My main research interests are in the field of geospatial sciences, remote sensing, and data science. I employ spatial concepts through a variety of tools including spatiotemporal analytics, digital image processing, machine learning, geographic information system (GIS), statistics, and natural language processing to study desertification, geothermal resources, urban heat islands, landscape dynamics, and human-environment systems.
Teaching Areas
GEOG 201 - World Regions
GEOG 418 - Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
GEOG 425 - Raster Based Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
GEOG 525 - Geospatial Big Data Handling Theory and Methods
SAS Certified Base Programmer
SAS Certified Advanced Programmer
Academic Experience
2020-2022: Senior Research Associate, National Strategic Planning and Analysis Research Center (NSPARC), Mississippi State University
2017-2020: Postdoctoral Research Associate, National Strategic Planning and Analysis Research Center (NSPARC), Mississippi State University
2013-2017: Ph.D. (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences), Mississippi State University
Academic Awards
2023 Illinois Geographical Society Research Grant Award
2017 Second place in the Arts and Humanities Oral Presentations category at the Graduate Research Symposium
2016 Second place in the Arts and Humanities Oral Presentations category at the Graduate Research Symposium
2015 Second place in the Arts and Humanities Oral Presentations category at the Graduate Research Symposium
2012 Best Student Paper Award (Third Prize) of the Second International Workshop on Earth Observation and Remote Sensing Applications (EORSA)